If you need to contact us about your membership account or request a freeze then find out how below.
Before you call time on your fitness journey, did you know there are other options available?
Save money, switch to a different price plan
If you’d like to request different price plan, swim only membership or concession drop our team an email here: CravenLeisure.cra@northyorks.gov.uk (we will respond within a maximum of 5 working days)
Finding it hard to get motivated?
Need some motivation or struggling to get going? We offer a FREE personalised fitnessprogram every 6 weeks - or enlist one of our approved Personal Trainers at the gym to give you a plan of action. Call us on 01756 792805 for more information.
Freeze your membership for up to 6 months
You may under certain circumstances need to freeze your membership. Freezing is only an option for medical reasons, when supported by a medical practitioner letter or for work related travel when supported by a company letter. You must inform the club by giving one calendar month notice in writing, on or before the first of the month. But all requests for freezing are at the discretion of the management and some may incur a charge.
You won't have to pay a joining fee when you start working out again, plus you will keep your monthly rate even if it's gone up for new joiners.
You can easily freeze your account online by emailing our membership team here at CravenLeisure.cra@northyorks.gov.uk
For Standard members it’s only £5.00 per month (if you are within contract). Free if you are out of minimum agreement term.
You can freeze your membership from your next payment date for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 6 months. If you leave then decide to re-join you might have to pay a joining fee plus the monthly rate, which may have gone up.
Moving away?
Request a move cancellation by emailing the team here with your proof of relocation: CravenLeisure.cra@northyorks.gov.uk
Cancelling a membership
However, if cancelling is the only option for you at this time here's what you need to do:
Monthly membership - paying by Direct Debit
Contact our team here: CravenLeisure.cra@northyorks.gov.uk and we will check you’ve completed the minimum term applied to your membership account first then a 30 day cancellation notice will apply. (we aim to respond to all requests within 5 working days via email)
Cooling-off period
If an online membership is cancelled within 14 days with us @ cravenleisure.cra@northyorks.gov.uk, the pro-rata amount is not refunded. If you join at the centre a 7 day cooling off period applies and the pro-rata will not be refunded. Simply contact our team here to process: cravenleisure@cravendc.gov.uk
Gift vouchers / Day passes
Please note that gift vouchers and 1 to 30-day passes are non-refundable.