Car Parking available for over 100 cars, including 8 disabled bays and 3 family bays, and bicycle stands.
North Yorkshire Council operate a pay and display scheme in the Car Park. Car Parking is currently under review.
The current 2024/25 tariffs are as follows:
Car Parking Charges | £ |
Up to 1 hr | £0.70 |
Up to 2 hrs | £1.40 |
Up to 3 hrs | £2.60 |
Up to 4 hrs | £3.80 |
Over 4 hours | £5.40 |
Parking Permits
Users of the car park will need to either, display a valid parking permit, or purchase a pay and display ticket from one of the two machines provided on the car park. The tickets dispensed from the machines will have 2 portions, one to be clearly displayed on your vehicle windscreen and the second (coupon) which can be detached and redeemed in the Leisure Centre café against a £5.00 or more spend.
If you are a fee paying member of Craven Leisure you will be issued with a free parking permit (and time clock) entitling you to free parking for up to 4 hrs. which you must display clearly in your windscreen while using the facility.
Permits and lessons
Swimming lesson customers will get a parking permit entitling you to 2.5 hrs.
Please note: Swimming Lesson Permits are only valid during our swimming lesson timetable, i.e. 4pm - 7pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 12 noon Saturday, they are not valid at any other times (see FAQ for further details).
Casual customers
All casual customers will need to pay for a ticket at one of the machines provided (tariff above) and display the correct ticket on their windscreen. You can redeem the cost of your parking at the Leisure Centre against a minimum £5.00 spend in the café on production of a valid coupon.
Example: If you pay to park, at the P&D machine, for up to 2hrs (£1.40) and visit the Centre's café, spending £5.00 or over, you will get the cost of the parking paid deducted from your food/drinks bill i.e. cost of food/drink = £5.50 - £1.40 on presentation of valid parking coupon = £4.10 payable at café till.
Credit/debit card payments will be accepted including contactless
Note: If the cost of parking is greater than the activity price we will only redeem the parking voucher to the total value of the activity.
Frequently asked questions
1) When will I receive my permit?
Just before the system goes live you will be issued with a permit and time clock, providing you've given us accurate details that match with your membership. You must display the permit and time clock on each visit; if you don't you may get a penalty charge and is subject to pay a fine.
2) My child/ren have swimming lessons at the pool will I receive a permit?
Yes, your permit will be valid for the period of the swimming lesson times i.e. between 4pm and 7pm Monday to Friday and Saturdays 9am to 12 noon with a maximum stay of up to 2.5 hours. A parking time clock must be displayed at the time of arrival together with the permit.
3) I'm not a member but I do sometimes pop and do a class or have a swim (an activity). Do I have to pay for car parking?
Yes, as long as you spend a minimum of £5 in the on-site cafe you will have your parking fee deducted from your transaction. You must produce the voucher section of your ticket. Please note this does not include any spending at the vending machines.
4) I take my dog for a walk in the park, will I get a permit?
No, sorry you'll need to get a ticket for the stay, but if you spend a minimum of £5.00 in the on-site café we'll deduct the cost of your parking from your transaction. You must produce the coupon portion of your ticket. Please note this does not include any spending at the vending machines.
5) I go to Craven College or The Academy or Skipton Building Society (SFS), do I need to buy a ticket?
Yes, if you want to park here you'll need to pay for a valid ticket and display in accordance with the standard pay and display rules.
6) What happens if my Direct Debit is returned or my membership has expired?
This will automatically invalidate your permit and we will notify the parking attendants that the permit is invalid. If you continue to use your permit and don't follow the pay and display rules you will receive a parking fine.
7) I haven't paid for my child's swimming lessons, is my permit valid?
No, if you are in arrears with payments then this invalidates the permit, this means paid for by the first week of the lessons. Did you know that you could spread the cost of the lessons by direct debit, as long as this is active then the permit remains valid? Ask at reception for a Direct Debit mandate.
8) Where is my permit valid?
It is only valid at Craven Pool's Car Park, so please don't try and use this anywhere else.
9) What if I've displayed my valid permit but I still get a parking ticket?
You must still observe the other parking rules. Your car must be in a designated bay and not on any pavement or either drop off points. We cannot get parking tickets rescinded for inconsiderate parking.
10) My son/daughter goes to one of the clubs at the centre will I need to get a permit or do I pay and display?
If you are a member you'll be able to use your permit whilst parking here, if not you'll need to get a pay and display ticket to cover the time of your visit. If you spend a minimum of £5.00 in the on-site café we'll deduct the cost of your parking from your transaction. You must produce the coupon portion of your ticket.
11) What if I forget to get my car park refunded?
You'll need to get your car parking refunded at the time of the transaction and we can only refund one car park ticket with one transaction. If you do not have your coupon portion of the parking ticket at the time of the transaction it cannot be refunded later.
12) I've completed my online registration, text messages or filled in my form for my new permit at reception, but my permit still hasn't arrived? or my permit has the wrong car registration on it
There are a number of possible reason/s for this:
- you may be a pay as you go (casual customer) and you'll need to pay and display.
- you may not be entitled to the permit, for example we've had a number of 14 - 16year old applying for a permit.
- you've moved home and not told us about a change of address and we've sent your permit to your old house.
You'll need to either email us with your details to cravenleisure@cravendc.gov.uk (with parking permit in the subject) with your contact details (full address and email address) and the correct Car registrations. We will post your permit out to you, you will need to pop into the pool to pick up your parking disc and a pink terms & conditions form.