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- Free workshop to help employers find the right staff
Free workshop to help employers find the right staff

Alison Laws, Business Relationship Manager for Craven at York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub.
Craven District Council in partnership with the York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub are inviting employers to meet a host of recruitment and training advisers at a special workshop to discover how they can help with finding and retaining staff.
Employers around the country are struggling to recruit and Craven businesses are no different, often facing the added challenges of a dispersed population and greater commuting distances. This event is an opportunity for local employers to receive one-to-one advice as well as hear what other employers are doing to find staff and fill vacancies.
Alison Laws, Business Relationship Manager for Craven at York and North Yorkshire Growth Hub, said: "It is clear the main barrier to growth that many businesses are experiencing is recruiting the right staff. This is split into either designing a vacancy to make it attractive to recruits or else locating available people to the jobs on offer.”
With a focus on discussion, the event will feature presentations on a range of services aimed at assisting employers to locate suitable staff, including the Restart Scheme, which uses various support options to help people into work. The Employer Engagement Team at Migration Yorkshire who work with employers to provide work placements to help migrants get a foothold in the job market. The Employer Engagement Team is part of the Connecting Opportunities initiative designed to help new migrants develop their skills and opportunities to find work and be part of the local community, including provision of support with cultural orientation and English language classes.
The Apprenticeship Hub will provide all the information an employer may need about apprenticeships. Where they can find an apprentice, providing the right training and helping an apprentice gain the appropriate qualifications, what help is available to fund the costs of training an apprentice.
The event takes place on Thursday, 3rd March, 2022 from 9am to 1pm at Victoria Hall in Settle, BD24 9DZ.
Attendance at the event is free of charge. Employers who wish to attend are invited to reserve a place by visiting Eventbrite, www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/help-for-employers-to-find-the-right-staff-tickets-266679073287; or by telephoning 01756 706214.
The workshop is funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Council’s project to develop its former waste depot site at Langcliffe Quarry to provide new workspace and deliver a programme of business support events to help businesses across Craven District to achieve their growth ambitions.