Make sure you can vote in county elections as nominations close

Christopher Porter, self-advocate vice-chair of the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board and the co-chair of the North Yorkshire Health Task Group
Nominations for candidates in the forthcoming election of county councillors have closed, so residents can now see who is asking for their vote in this important poll.
In the election on Thursday, 5 May, residents will be able to vote for who they want to represent them among the 90 councillors who will be elected to 89 new divisions.
The councillors will serve the final year of North Yorkshire County Council, then the first four years of the new single council for the county. They will shape what public services will look like ahead of the new North Yorkshire Council’s first day on 1 April 2023, making decisions that affect everyone living and working in North Yorkshire.
Find links to the list of candidates where you live at
Richard Flinton, county returning officer and chief executive of North Yorkshire County Council, said: “This election is particularly significant. The people elected in May by the voters of North Yorkshire will shape the vision and value of the new North Yorkshire Council from its beginning.
“That is why it is so important that if you will be eligible to vote on 5 May you make sure that you are registered to do so.”
To vote on 5 May, you must be on the electoral register by Thursday, 14 April, 2022. If you will be 18 or over on polling day, make sure you are registered to vote at You can get help with electoral registration from your borough or district council. They can tell you if you are on the electoral register, or if you have registered for a postal or proxy vote.
People registered to vote in North Yorkshire should have received a polling card or letter by the end of March.
Christopher Porter, self-advocate vice-chair of the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board and the co-chair of the North Yorkshire Health Task Group, said: “I speak up for myself and on behalf of other people who have learning disabilities and autism. I am very involved with the North Yorkshire Learning Disability Partnership Board and I want to talk to you about the importance of voting.
“There are different ways to vote. In person at a polling station, by post or a proxy vote where someone votes on your behalf. If you have the right to vote make sure you use it. Have your say on who will be representing you by voting in the county council elections.”
If you know you will not be able to get to the polling station on 5 May, you can apply to vote by post or proxy. You need to contact your borough or district council to apply for a postal vote. You will need to apply by 5pm on Tuesday, 19 April.
A proxy vote is when you apply for someone you trust to vote for you. They must be eligible to vote in the election themselves. If you apply for a proxy vote, the person voting on your behalf can go to the polling station to cast your vote or can apply to vote for you by post. You need to contact your borough or district council to apply for a proxy vote and must apply by Tuesday, 26 April.
Find more information at
In July 2021, the Government announced that a new single council would be created to deliver all services across North Yorkshire on the footprint of the current county council, replacing the county council and the county’s seven district and borough councils. District and borough councils will remain until 1 April, 2023, and the councillors serving on them will continue in their roles until then.