Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Increase in fly-tipping during coronavirus crisis

Residents and businesses are being urged to reduce waste and stop fly-tipping during the coronavirus crisis.

The last few weeks have seen an increase in fly-tips reported across Craven, with 23 reports in March compared to 14 in February.

North Yorkshire County Council’s Household Waste Recycling Centres are currently closed to ensure the safety of staff and to discourage unnecessary travel.

Councillor Carl Lis, Craven District Council’s lead member for Greener Craven, said: “Fly-tipping is not only a criminal offence, but it damages the beautiful landscape of the District and is a potential threat to human health, animals and wildlife.

“Whilst all efforts are being made to maintain Council services, valuable resources are being redirected to deal with needless fly-tipping rather than being used to help with the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak during this difficult time.

“Please do your bit and help keep your area clear of fly tipping – reduce your waste and hold on to anything that cannot go in your blue, green, or brown bins, until the Household Waste Recycling Centres are open again.

“We would ask residents not to undertake large DIY, decluttering or garden projects that will produce a lot of waste, unless they can store the waste, and please don’t put large items that do not fit into your wheeled bin out for collection.”

North Yorkshire County Council’s waste management team has compiled a wealth of advice and tips to help everyone to reduce waste, make the most of food supplies and reuse things they might otherwise throw away. All this advice can be found on the council’s new web page at

North Yorkshire residents can buy compost bins for as little as £9 via

For further information and updates on the HWRCs, visit the following link: