Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Dog owners could face fines for not carrying dog waste bags

Craven District councillors have agreed to investigate the possibility of fining dog owners if they are not carrying dog waste bags.

The motion on notice was agreed at a meeting of full Council on Tuesday August 7, after being put forward by Councillor Richard Welch.

Councillor Welch said: “Dog fouling is a Craven-wide problem and we need to keep our streets, pavements and parks free from dog mess not being picked up by irresponsible and uncaring dog owners.

“This will not cure it overnight but more publicity will create public awareness that not picking up is antisocial and can lead to illness and all sorts of problems. It is only the small minority of dog owners spoiling it for others.

“Hopefully then if we get approval eventually at full council we can introduce a by-law.”

Other councils, including Burnley and Peterborough, have introduced and enforced a local by-law whereby anyone stopped who is walking a dog and is not carrying a dog-waste bag is liable for a fine or prosecution.

The Council will now investigate and a report will be brought back to Policy Committee to enable further debate of the matter.