Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Skipton businesses pledge funds for new Aireville Park play area

Two Skipton businesses, Peter Watson Ltd and Skipton Self Drive, have donated £1,000 each towards the new children’s play area in Aireville Park.

The companies, both owned by the Watson family, are sponsoring new swings and a small mountain climbing frame which will be installed in the new playground.

They have joined a number of other local businesses and members of the community who are sponsoring or making a donation towards the new development in the park.

Laura Musgrove, of Skipton Self Drive, said: “We’re very pleased to be supporting the exciting development of Aireville Park’s new play area.

“As a local company we think it’s really important to support projects like this, which will be of huge benefit to our community. I’m sure children from all over Skipton and beyond will be thrilled with the end result.”

Councillor Linda Brockbank, Craven District Council’s lead member for Working with Communities, said:  “I’m delighted that Peter Watson and Skipton Self Drive have been so generous in backing this play area.

“Together with the Friends of Aireville Park we have developed some really exciting plans for the new playground, and I can’t wait to see them come to fruition. This will be a fantastic play area which will benefit children from around Skipton, Craven and further afield for years to come.”

Holt Doctors Ltd have also joined in to support the scheme and are sponsoring a multi activity climbing frame with platform, nets, roles, slide and balance feature.   

Tracy Ward, Managing Director for Holt Doctors, said: “As a business, Holt Doctors is always pleased to support local projects which benefit the community.

“Aireville Park is adjacent to our head office and regularly used by many of our staff members, particularly as a large number of our team are donating 1,000 miles this year to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the NHS. As a family orientated organisation with many working mothers, we were particularly keen to get involved in supporting the new play area. We can’t wait to see the finished project.”

A total of £6250 has been raised so far through the sponsorship scheme, which gives businesses and residents the chance to sponsor a bench, donate a tree for a loved one, or fund a piece of play equipment.

Businesses can also choose to have a plaque or memorial tree charm and business logos on the sponsors’ board as a permanent recognition of the support. 

JN Bentley, JP Mewies Solicitors, The Coulthurst Trust, and Mr and Mrs Reffin are among others who have pledged support.

The aim is to raise a total of £200,000 in order to secure the necessary funds to deliver the project.

The Friends of Aireville Park group was successful in raising £12,000 through Tesco Bags of Help, which has already paid for the installation of a new zip wire.

Full details are on the council’s website at and on the Friends of Aireville Park website 

Please contact to enquire about either donating or sponsoring the scheme.