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Craven District Council

Craven District Council teams up with Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice in a sporting charity partnership

Craven District Council and Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice have agreed to form a partnership for two sporting events – Skipton Triathlon and Le Petit Depart.

Sue Ryder Manorlands will be able to use the events to raise funds, and participants will be able to raise money for the charity with sponsorship forms, online fundraising and donations on entry.

The Skipton Triathlon will take place on Sunday April 14 this year and usually attracts around 900 entrants, while Le Petit Depart cycling sportive will take place on Sunday June 2 and normally attracts around 700 entrants.

Sue Ryder Manorlands provides expert palliative care, advice and support for local people who are living with life-limiting conditions, and support for their families.

Councillor Linda Brockbank, the council’s lead member for Resilient Communities, said: “We’re delighted to form this partnership with Sue Ryder Manorlands, who will be our designated charity in 2019. Manorlands needs to raise £2.1 million per year to provide essential specialist care and support to those who need it.

“We know Skipton Triathlon and Le Petit Depart are really popular events every year and we hope participants will be able to support this very worthwhile charity as much as they can.”

Joanna Longden, Community Services Manager for Sue Ryder Manorlands, said: “We are really excited to be the designated charity for these events in Skipton.

“In addition to our in-patient unit at Oxenhope, the Manorlands Community Clinical Nurse Specialist team provide support and advice for patients in their homes in the Craven area, so it's great for the hospice to have this involvement. We need to raise £2.1 million every year to continue our care and these events are among many that will hopefully help us to reach this target."

Skipton Triathlon is a pool-based, sprint triathlon, ideal for beginners and elite athletes alike. Competitors take on a 400m swim in the Craven Leisure pool, a 21km bike ride on local roads, and a 5km run around Aireville Park.

Le Petit Depart is a friendly sportive starting in Skipton and going into the Dales, with four routes available this year – 38 miles, 49 miles, 80 miles or 100 miles.

If competitors have already entered Skipton Triathlon, they can sign up to get a fundraising pack and sponsorship form, and use the JustGiving fundraising website to set up a fundraising page.

New entrants to both events can make a donation as part of their entry and also use the fundraising pack, sponsorship forms and JustGiving website.

For those who have not yet entered, Sue Ryder Manorlands also has 10 free entries per event, which are up for grabs – just send the charity your details, which event you want to enter, what you plan to do to fundraise and how much your target is. Please send your submissions by the end of January to

Both events are already held with volunteer support from Craven Energy, Friends of Aireville Park and Skipton Athletics Club for the Skipton Triathlon and in partnership with Skipton Cycling Club for Le Petit Depart.

For more information about the two events and to enter please go to and and for more information about Manorlands go to