Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

New Aireville Park playground is officially opened

The new children’s playground at Aireville Park has been officially opened with a ceremony to thank all the funders and sponsors.

Craven District Council’s chairman, Councillor Paul Whitaker, cut the ribbon along with Friends of Aireville Park chairperson Fiona Protheroe.

Councillor Whitaker said: “This is a fantastic new facility for the whole of Skipton and is six times bigger than the old play area, with 35 separate pieces of equipment, and is already proving to be extremely popular!

“Aireville Park is one of the biggest parks in Craven and although owned and managed by Craven District Council we have over the last few years worked very closely with the Friends of Aireville Park to both develop and deliver a master plan to improve the park.

“As well as the new play area we are celebrating today, we also have the new skate park and pump track; brilliant new facilities all brought together in the same area of the park in what is a relatively short time frame.

“Without the huge amount of time and effort given by the Friends group in fundraising, holding events and helping to consult and shape the play area plans, we wouldn’t be standing here today.”

Fiona Protheroe, chairperson of Friends of Aireville Park, said: “We’re thrilled with the new playground and it’s brilliant to see so many children and families enjoying it every weekend and after school.

“We’d like to thank everyone who was involved in making this dream a reality – there have been so many generous grants and donations. It has been a fantastic community effort and we’ve now got an amazing playground which we hope will be enjoyed by families for years to come.”

Councillor Whitaker also thanked the 35 funders, sponsors and donors who made the new play area possible.

Sponsors included Yorventure, Leeds Building Society, Tesco – Bags for Help Scheme, Skipton BID, Tarn Moor Trust, Keelham Farm Shop, Mechanics Institute, Craven Trust, the Coulthurst Trust, the Police and Crime Commissioner Community Fund, Skipton Ukulele Club, Cllr Harbron, John Dawson and Cllr Solloway through their Ward Member Grants, Skipton Rotary Club, Skipton Craven Rotary Club, the Provincial Grand Master's Fund, and many donations from local businesses and residents, including the friends and family of Jodie Willsher, who raised money for the sandpit play area through their Walk for Jodie.

Craven District Council and Friends of Aireville Park are planning a family-friendly community picnic in Aireville Park on Sunday June 23.

The event is part of the “Great Get Together” events which are taking place around the country, in memory of and inspired by Jo Cox MP. 

The picnic will take place between 11am and 4pm within the new children’s play area in the park. People are invited to bring their own picnic and more to share if they wish.