Skipton Market will reopen on Wednesday June 10

Craven District Council, Skipton Town Council and Skipton BID have confirmed that Skipton Market will reopen from June 10.
The High Street will be closed to traffic between 10am to 4pm on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to allow safe social distancing. Access to Jerry Croft and the Town Hall car park will remain open at all times.
Businesses were surveyed to share their thoughts regarding road closures and the reopening of the High Street for the market and non-essential shops.
A total of 164 businesses responded to the survey, with 62% in favour of the road closure, and 22% against.
Craven District Council is contacting all businesses who requested feedback and further information to help them reopen.
Councillor Richard Foster, Leader of Craven District Council, said: “We are looking forward to welcoming the Market back to Skipton and we believe the measures we have put in place will allow traders to get back to work, while keeping customers and staff safe.
“We’re very grateful to all businesses who gave us feedback on these plans, and we will be working with any businesses who have concerns, to resolve any issues.”
Councillor Karen McIntyre, Chair of the Town Council’s Market Committee, said: “Skipton Market dates back over 800 years and our Town grew up around it. Although it is a very different market to the days of livestock trading taking place on the High Street it has, nevertheless, been sad to see it missing from our High Street in recent weeks.
“Much preparation has taken place as we start to reopen our Town Centre and it is pleasing that the majority of people are supportive of the plans. We very much look forward to welcoming our traders back safely and to seeing shops and businesses open to the public again in the coming weeks.”
To manage the market safely it is planned to limit market days to Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with a road closure in place from 10am to 4pm on market days, between Jerry Croft and the roundabout at the bottom of the High Street.
Market stalls will then be able to face towards the road, so that customers queuing for the stalls will not interfere with other customers on the High Street.
Craven District Council’s Town Hall car park toilets are expected to reopen by June 19, when they have been deep-cleaned. The public toilets at Skipton Bus Station remain open.
A team of Town Centre Ambassadors, and Craven District Council’s Community Safety Officer, will be present on the High Street to assist local residents, visitors and traders – and to liaise with all businesses to try and resolve any matters which might arise on the day.
The majority of deliveries to businesses are expected to be outside of the road closure times, but with advance notice, exceptions can be arranged.
To discuss deliveries and any other enquiries relating directly to the operation of the Market, please contact the Market Team at Skipton Town Council on 01756 700553 or
For further guidance on reopening businesses and workplaces safely, please go to