Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Tour de Yorkshire is a big hit in Craven

Thousands of people poured into villages and towns in Craven on Sunday May 5 to see the exciting Tour de Yorkshire cycle race speed through.

The race, featuring Tour de France winner Chris Froome, Olympic cyclist Mark Cavendish and a host of other world-class athletes, passed through Sutton-in-Craven and Cross Hills, and then up Skipton High Street. There were 10,000 extra visitors in Skipton, compared to a normal Sunday.

Crowds lined the route as the cyclists passed through Embsay, Eastby, Barden, Burnsall, Threshfield, Kilnsey and Kettlewell, and up Cote de Park Rash into Richmondshire.

Sharon Hudson, Communications and Partnerships Manager at Craven District Council, said: “It was fantastic to see so many people turn out in Skipton and the surrounding villages, to cheer on these world-class athletes.

“The Craven countryside looked stunning on the television coverage and this was a great advert for our district, with images shown to audiences around the world. Events like these are a great boost for our local businesses and tourism industry.

“Many thanks to the team from Skipton Town Council for their help on the day and the Tour Makers for their assistance in making the event run smoothly, and thanks to all the spectators for turning out with such enthusiasm.”