Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Craven District Council keeps car parks free for NHS, health & social care staff & volunteers, but reintroduces charges for others

Craven District Council is reintroducing charging in its car parks from June 1 – but parking will remain free for NHS, health and social care staff and volunteers for those services, when they are on official duty. 

The Council had made all its car parks free for key workers, essential shopping and community volunteers in March, following government guidance at the start of the pandemic crisis.

However, with Government guidance having now changed and with more people out and about the Council needs to manage the demand on its car parks. The Council also needs to start charging in order to recover income to pay for vital services. 

Motorhome bays are not to be used, no group activities are allowed, and car park users are asked to be respectful of others and maintain social distancing. There are now markings at the parking pay stations to encourage social distancing, and posters reminding users of the Government guidance.

The Council is asking people where possible to use the electronic payment option on the machines to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

Councillor Simon Myers, Craven District Council’s lead member for Enterprising Craven, said: “We made all our car parks free at the beginning of the pandemic, so that our local residents and key workers could use them.

“Now that more people are returning to the workplace, and more people are visiting our towns and villages, we need to return to previous parking arrangements. Many other local authorities have already reintroduced parking charges in other parts of the country.

“Craven District Council has been badly affected financially by the current crisis and we do need to recover our income so that we don’t have to cut vital services.”  

Parking enforcement will also be reintroduced across North Yorkshire, for on-street and off-street parking.

All NHS, health and social care workers, and volunteers connected to those services, can obtain a parking permit from the NHS, local authorities or the Royal Voluntary Society. To obtain a permit from Craven District Council, the applicant must apply using their workplace email, or show a valid ID badge. Please email to apply for a permit. The permit can only be used when workers are on official duty. 

Updated information on the status of all Craven District Council services is available at