Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Craven Local Plan Independent Examination closes

The Independent Examination of the Craven Local Plan has come to a close after three weeks of hearings.

The Local Plan was examined by Matthew Birkinshaw BA(Hons) MSc MRTPI, an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.

The council is now considering the wording of proposed modifications to the Local Plan. Once these modifications have been drawn up, a six-week consultation period will then take place.

Following the consultation, the council will submit all responses received to the Inspector to assist his deliberations on the soundness of the Plan.

David Smurthwaite, Strategic Manager at Craven District Council, said: “This was a very rigorous and detailed examination of Craven’s Local Plan by the Inspector, and all those who made representations relating to changes to the Plan were able to take part in the sessions.

“I’d like to thank all members of the council’s Planning Policy team who have worked incredibly hard in the build-up to this Examination and during the hearings themselves.

“We are now considering a number of potential modifications which emerged during the hearings and look forward to further public consultation in due course.”

The Craven Local Plan sets out how the district will deal with important issues in the future including homes, employment, education provision, affordable housing, green space, sporting facilities, urban regeneration, transport, air quality, renewable energy and flooding.

For more information on the Craven Local Plan go to