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- Craven Local Plan is adopted by Craven District Council
Craven Local Plan is adopted by Craven District Council

Craven District Council has agreed to adopt the Craven Local Plan at a meeting of full Council on Tuesday November 12.
The new Craven Local Plan covers the period up until 2032, and sets out how the district will deal with important issues in the future including homes, employment, education provision, affordable housing, green space, sporting facilities, urban regeneration, transport, air quality, renewable energy and flooding.
The Craven Local Plan has been adopted following a number of public consultations and an Independent Examination by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.
The Inspector concluded that subject to a number of recommended main modifications, the Craven Local Plan was sound, legally compliant and was capable for adoption by the Council. Councillors agreed to these recommendations.
David Smurthwaite, Strategic Manager at Craven District Council, said: “I’m delighted that the Craven Local Plan has now been adopted by full Council.
“The preparation of the Plan has been a huge achievement. With the large amount of government and European legislation and regulations to be followed, and the importance of talking with all the different communities of the area and consulting with the development industry and statutory bodies, plan preparation is inevitably a lengthy process.
“It has been the task of the Craven Spatial Planning Sub Committee to steer the Council through this process. I thank all the Chairmen and Members of the Sub-Committee, and the officers supporting them, for their work and dedication to reach the final stage of plan preparation.
“This plan will guide the development of new homes and new jobs to the most appropriate and sustainable parts of the area over the next 13 years, while protecting our most valuable landscapes, and natural and heritage assets, and retaining the unique character and amenity of our towns and villages.”
This Local Plan process began in 2012, with a series of workshops and community engagement events, followed by three formal public consultations on the draft plan, before Full Council approved the Publication Draft Plan in December 2017 and subsequently submitted the plan to the Secretary of State in March 2018.
The Craven Local Plan will now become part of the development plan for the area. Planning law requires that applications for planning permission be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The Craven Local Plan will therefore be used to make decisions on future planning applications.
Find out about the Craven Local Plan online or contact the Planning Policy Team on 01756 706472 or email localplan@cravendc.gov.uk