Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Craven District Council’s affordable housing scheme in Bentham is approved

Craven District Council’s plans to build four affordable homes in Bentham have been given the go-ahead.

The four, two-bedroom homes will be affordable through a shared ownership scheme, and will be built on council-owned land off Duke Street.

The stone-built terraced houses will have slate roofs with solar panels and electric car charging points. Eight car parking spaces are being provided. 

The scheme was approved by the Council’s online Planning Committee on August 17.

Councillor Richard Foster, Leader of Craven District Council, said: “I’m delighted that these much-needed homes have been approved.

“We know there is a need for affordable housing within Craven and we are developing a number of plans to provide more across the district.

“Around 150 households have currently registered an interest in shared ownership housing in the district, with more people coming forward all the time.

“These new shared ownership homes will also help generate revenue to support council services for our residents and businesses.”

Shared ownership allows shares of between 25% and 75% to be purchased initially, with a deposit of only 5% on that share and a subsidised rent payable on the rest.

To find out more about affordable housing in Craven, go to