Craven District Council

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Craven District Council

Affordable Housing Statement

In accordance with the NPPF and NPPG this applies to all applications proposing:
  • 11-units or 1000 sq. gross floor space or more.
  • Developments of 6 to 10 dwellings in designated rural areas;
  • Specialist housing developments for older people, where falling within Use Class C3;
  • Developments of Age Restricted/Sheltered Housing or similar housing; and
  • Developments of Assisted Living/Extra Care Housing

The Council will require information concerning both the affordable housing and any open market housing through the submission of a ‘Heads of Terms’ pro-forma on affordable housing contributions for the Section 106 legal agreement required by Policy H2 criterion h)’.  The Head of Terms Pro-forma is included at appendix 8 of the SPD.  

Craven District Council : Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document

Such information shall include details of the number of residential units, the mix of units and the proposed tenure. If different levels or types of affordability or tenure are proposed for different units this should be clearly and fully explained. Where a financial contribution in lieu of onsite affordable housing is proposed, the Affordable Housing Statement should clearly state this as well as the reasons why this is considered acceptable.

Where the applicant considers the development will not support the level of affordable housing required under the Councils polices then a Viability Assessment will be required.